Thursday, April 21, 2011

The sun and the "center" take center stage

so in sure you have all heard the news. The sun is throwing out previously unrecorded particles ans as they are being measured with what i am now calling pre-true time instruments that are made for measuring constants the decay rate of our very existence seems to be speeding up. lets begin by thinking of the sun now as it truley is, HUGE and hot. things have been going steady/burning slowly in that great oven/external incubator for quite some time now, sedement has built up on the inside and now needs to be burnt off to keep the cycle of fusion going. so today i have realized as i hope you will all too, that the eun is the giver of our light, our light is quite the giver of life and science is not wrong just VERY young! I really want to see time, life and energy to be seen for how they truly are, relative to the conscious intent of the true infinite process. now i belive starts our perception of the ongoing process of evolution and how it really works in conjuction with all that is in Balance, Which is all. Dont know about you guys but the only thing im afraid of right now is stupid people with those deffensive type egos that are going to try to push the possibility of the evolution of science and our entire known universe under the rug, may the young scientists hear this call and look to the center and not the core. i know we can do what they have all fumbled in the dark just trying to see. Please share your new perspectives and if you have none then look at the data and think hard about what science means to you as a human and a spiritual/energy being.
A helpful link:

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Come full circle

life has become mundane, or so it seems. for once i would drink or party without any thought to consequence now it seems to be all that i think of. is it the cause of the media? the masses? am i giving in? or is this what needs to be? is that giving in? so full of questions once more at least i seem to be me. who am i though without friends, without those who pretend to make me feel better?
Am i a lonely one in the multitude of zeros or m i just another number missing out on what lays behind the veil? i drink my coffee bitter sweet s it is now and wonder where is the water, is it the muck from the waste that will kill me or the lack of water? i m sure there are things we as a whole need to stop doing but wht can i be sure of when it comes to my life. i am sure i want to live, but what does it mean for me to live? is it that i am of the earth and should there fore take my own advice and do for me what i want to do for the earth? or is it that i must do for the earth what i must do for myself? slight difference it sounds now but the earth and her people need life without muck. i know i can take away a lil bit of that muck but in turn i will take it in and then inevitably give it out. i want some of that light ghandi had, to be able to speak, see, listen, all that i do is look, talk, and hear. i have lost track of where i am going and have tken a path that is already there, I want more than anything to live away from all the grime and muck but that would not help those who need it. long and short of it is I am in love and i want to be more than just a lover, but what is more than that? im not sure but the times call for me to be more than i can be so i shall be all that i need to be and only a little bit of what i wnt to be.